Lakeridge Garden Long Term Care

Ajax, Ontario, Canada

aerial drone footage of building in progress with crane

Lakeridge Garden, a new state-of-the-art long-term care home, had been built in collaboration with the Ontario Government, Lakeridge Health, Infrastructure Ontario, and PCL Construction.

Project Description

Standing six stories tall and covering 273,000 square feet, it offered 320 new beds. SurePods, along with a range of other modular constructions, had played a significant role in achieving the goal of delivering Ontario’s first accelerated build project in only 13 months, as promised.

Lakeridge Gardens and PCL Construction had received the Toronto Construction Association’s Best of the Best Innovation Award and the Innovation and Excellence Capital Project Award from AdvantAge Ontario, an association that advocates and supports the work of organizations within the not-for-profit long-term care, housing, and services for seniors’ sphere.

"We are deeply privileged to have worked with partners to create the accelerated build program to quickly deliver a much needed long-term care infrastructure, through a range of accelerated measures such as modular construction, rapid procurement, and hospital lands, we have successfully built this facility faster than the traditional timeline. This project is a resonant example of what can be achieved when innovation, modern
solutions, and great partnerships come together.”

— Michael Lindsay, President, CEO of Infrastructure Ontario

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